Results For Category: "WOD"

Friday 8/22/14

“Bodhi Zafa”

Death By Strict Pull Up

*Not a true death by as there is a 12 minute cap* Coaches will have alternate movements…

Thursday 8/21/14

“100% Pure Adrenaline”

With a 12 Minute clock complete

1 Minute of Box Jumps 30/24

1 Minute of Push Jerks 135/95

2 Minutes of …

Wednesday 8/20/14

“Bell’s Beach”

For Time

5x Squat Cleans 185/125

10x Deadlifts

4x Squat Cleans

10x Deadlifts

3x Squat Cleans

10x Deadl…

Tuesday 8/19/14

“Acid in your Mouth”

For Time

100m Run

50 Double Unders

200m Run

40 Double Unders

300m Run

30 Double Unders

400m Run

20 M…

Monday 8/18/14

“See you in Hell”


5 x Pull Ups

10 x Push Ups

15 x Air Squats

(shorter version of CrossFit benchmark “Cindy”)…

Sunday 8/17/14

Partner “Jack”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115 pound Push press, 10 reps
10 KB Swings, 53/35
10 Box …

Saturday 8/16/14

“Slapping Da Bass!”
6 x Burpee over Med Ball (facing med ball)
9 x Med Ball Sit Up
12 x Med Ball Lunges (alternating)


Friday 8/15/14

“Hank Marducas”


200m Run

6x Deadlift 225/155…

Thursday 8/14/14

“Bro Nameth”

50 Snatches for Time 135/95

(Power or Full, your choice)