Warm Up and Mobility
Oly Warm Up and Skill Clean Pull+ Hang+Clean (1+1+1) x 3 OTM 5 Clean Complex Hang Power Clean+ Clean and Jerk (Moderate) Strength Front Squat 60% x 10 70% x 8 80% x 3-5 70% x 6 60% x 8 “Nip in the Air” With a 10 Minute clock, complete 12 Plate Push Ups 2 G2O Run 100m w/ plate 10 Plate Push Ups 4 G2o Run 100m w/ plate 8 Plate Push Ups 6 G2O Run 100m w/plate 6 Plate Push Ups 8 G2O Run 100m w/plate 4 Plate Push Ups 10 G2O Run 100m w/plate 2 Plate Push Ups 12 G2o Run 100m w/plate Bonus work: If complete under 10 minutes, you can complete AMRAP Burpee Plate Jumps Clean Eating Now that summer is winding down, try to let the cheats slow down as well. Let’s make some subtle adjustments to your diets. We know some of you are jumping right into the Zone and that is awesome! Now we challenge everyone else to make a change for September. Start eating cleaner in September by trying to cut out the sugar in your diets. We understand cutting it out all together is tough but the benefits will show quickly. Your energy will increase and you will notice less highs and lows throughout the day. If you have already done this, try cutting out some high glycemic carbs like breads and grains. Small, realistic changes can lead to a long term healthy lifestyle. If you accept this challenge post it here or on the FB group page to put it out there. We see more sucess when we make ourselves accountable to someone else. Support and advice will be at your disposal. Cleaner eating in 3,2,1…….
What is the G20 I would like to do this work out from Arkansas
Ground to Overhead Dan. Have fun out there!
Ground 2 Overhead, good luck, post your score here when you finish!
45 lb plate
20 burpees
I’m in for trying to cut out sugar starting September!
CFRT I accept the challenge! Let’s do this.
Awesome guys!
Clean eating challenge accepted Let’s do this!!!
Oly – 115#
Nip in the Air – 7:08 45# + 24 burps
Another fun filled 5am class. Although a little less people than normal we still rocked it. Great job everyone!!
Front squat – worked off of a 145# 1rm, might need to bump that up to 150 next time
Nip in the Air – 9:59 25# and knees for pushups
Glad I finished under the cap with my slow but steady pushups but strangely enough I was hoping to do burpees. Phil looked like he was having so much fun in the 5am cranking them out.
I’m in for cutting out sugar. I’ve been drinking black coffee….except for today. I got an iced.
Front squats based off of 125# 1rm
Nip in the Air – 25#
DNF – short by one rep and a run. But I did all strict push ups! 😀
Couldn’t make it this morning so improvised at home.
Quasi “Nip in the Air”
Same rep scheme with plate push-up and G2O w/ 75# bar, then 400 meter run on treadmill.
Back at Rail Trail tomorrow.
400 Meter runs, overachiever 🙂
Yeah, but I wasn’t carrying a 45# plate. That could be dicey on the treadmill:)
So glad I wasnt the only one there for 4:30, i got scared for a minute!
“Nip in the Air”
i was about 5 seconds away when the clock ran out, damn it!
Either way, great class as always! =)
245# max front squat
Felt great that was my max a few months ago. Don’t really have that kind of weight on the chest every week so gotta get used to that.
Nip in the air
45# plate
26 burpees
I liked those Plate G2O.
You definitely have more than that Joe, you made too big of a jump afterwards. Next time we’ll get that number!
Front squats felt really good… based off of 125 1rm. Finished the WOD 13 seconds after the time ran out. Used 25# plate and used ab mat for push ups.
Strength-got upto 145# for 3 reps then worked my way back down
Nip-25#, knee PU
was half way through my last run when the time ran out. Oh well.
Nice job 6pm!!
Very upset I couldn’t make it in for this one. I worked until 11:30 ish last night, I was beat this morning. I’ll do this at open gym sometime. See you guys tomorrow a.m.
P.s. Those are my real abs busting through my shirt in that pic..
Abs of steel!
Great work everyone, blazing fast speed and honest efforts all over. You guys definitely got fitter today!
Strength work 1RM front squat 145#. Went for 155# but felt form breaking down a bit. Paranoid about hurting my back so dumped it even though apparently I had it. Next time.
8:58 on Nip in the Air
Really need to work on push-ups. 25# plate and 35# farmers carry. Forearms were on FIRE!!! Great work 7pm!!!
Nip in the air
Front squats: Loved hearing all the cheers of support the class was giving to each other as people were trying to reach their 1rep max! Awesome!!
WOD: Ran through the garage doors at exactly 10:00, making the cap! Used a 25# plate.
Thanks coach Mike!