Warm Up and Mobility
Oly Warm Up/Skill (Sn Pull+ Hang Pull+ High Hang Snatch) (2+2+1) x 3 Snatch 5 x 3 High Hang Squat Strength Back Squat 65% x 5 75% x 3 85% x 3 95% x 1-2 75% x 10 “Never say die” 10 Minute Up Ladder of Pull Ups 5-10-15-20-25-……. Run 200 Meters After every set Sunday, Oct 12 Memorial Workout For those of you who don’t have Facebook, here is the Memorial Event infoSPC Brian Arsenault was a Northborough, MA resident and paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. He was killed in action in Ghazni Afghanistan on Septemeber 4, 2014 by enemy small arms fire. Our CrossFit Community is coming together to Honor this fallen Warrior the best way we know how, with hard work and sweat. We ask that everyone attending make a minimum $10.00 donation. CFRT will then donate all funds collected (at the request of his family) to the Wounded Warrior Project, in Brians name.http:// projects.militarytimes.com/ valor/ army-spc-brian-k-arsenault/ 6568587https:// support.woundedwarriorproje ct.org/ default.aspx?tsid=675&campa ignSource=CDRO&source=BS14 083
We are teaming up with Small Town CrossFit …and CrossFit Prototype of Westborough and CrossFit Resilience of Hopkington. Also partnering with Team Red White and Blue of Worcester for this event.
The Workout
9 Back Squats 165/115
4 Bar Muscle Ups
14 Burpees Over Bar (Lateral)
Run 400 Meters
Start times are 9am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm
Please respond for the time slot you plan on attending
This workout will be scalable for ALL ability levels. Everyone is encouraged to participate. This is about coming together and honoring SPC Arsenault for his service. Never Forget.
Back Squat: worked up to 2 reps at 175
“Never say die”
20+1 run, jumping pullups
Good job today Amanda! Thanks PJ and Mike!
Back Squat:
65% x 5 (#165)
75% x 3 (#190)
85% x 3 (#215)
95% x 1-2 (#240 x 4)
75% x 10 (#190)
Never Say Die – got through the 25 pullups + 100 m run
Lots of 5 am’ers moving some weight this morning.
Great coaching PJ and Mike!
Enjoy the day.
Back Squat: 260, 300, 340, 385, 300. All of these felt heavy. The legs were not working well this morning.
Never Say Die: 25 + 1 pull-up
Great work this morning everyone.
Back squats
I can’t wait to do a 1RM again.
Never say die:
25+25oull ups
This was harder than it looks. Great job 5am. Thanks mike and pj.
Oly- Pretty sure I had no idea what I was doing, but made it work 🙂
“Never Say Die”
25 + 24 Jumping Pull Ups
Did percentage work this morning off of 1RM 185. The weight definitely felt a lot heavier after yesterdays workout. Thanks PJ and Mike for pushing me to do one more at 95%.
“Never say die”:
25-jumping pullups
Great job Kirsti 🙂 Glad I could keep you company at 6am.
Thanks Mike and PJ for your great coaching and motivation
Got some great one on one time with Mike, worked on my snatches which are definitely an area of opportunity for me! Spent time not so much worrying about the weight but getting the form down so once I can squat i’ll have it all!
Never Say Die – did kipping pull-ups (even though a few of the reps didn’t really count) I spent the entire time focusing on my knee & hip drive to get me up. CAn’t believe you’ve been hiding that bike from me too! Definitely going to put some miles on that thing!
20 + Bike + 3 pull-ups!
Oh yeah, you’ll be a biking machine!
Back Squat
“Never Say Die” 25+21
Great 5am class this morning. Next thing on my list is to work on butterfly pull ups. Awesome work everyone. Everyone seemed to be moving some serious weight. Sounded like just about everyone’s 1RM went up. Looking forward to seeing what my new 1RM is!
Back Squat 1RM 275#
Never say die…20+10 (jumping PU)
Good work 7pm!
Awesome work today everyone, way to get after this, especially after yesterday. Looks like a lot of people needed the rest and smartly so. Try to make up the % back squats on the next go around for those who couldn’t come in Or just get them done in the back space 🙂 See everyone at the white board!
1RM – 155#. 5# PR from Oct 2013.
Never Say Die – 20 + almost finished the 200m
Thanks Mike for the great coaching and butterfly tips. Can’t wait to practice once my ripped hand heals. 🙂
Just some slight adjustments and you will get the butterfly!