Tuesday 8/5/14
admin · August 5, 2014
Post 31 Heroes
Push Press
50% x8
60% x 5
75% x 1-2
85%x 1
90-95% x1
100% + 1 Do additional set if necessary
Gymnastics/ Skill
4-8 C2B/Pull Up (Even)
5-8 Wall Squats (Odd)
“El Diablo”
For Time
Run 200m
5x Power Clean (225/155 or 80% of 1RM)
Run 200m
10x KB Swings (70/53)
Run 200m
15x Deadlifts
Run 200m
20x KB Swings
Classes have been big and everyone is doing great! You guys come in give what you have, and don’t try to give something you don’t. Keep that mentality going. You may be tempted from time to time to go after weights or movements in a workout that your not quit ready for. Do the right thing and scale to preserve the stimulus. Ask your Coach if you ever have a doubt. Everyone has been honest about injuries and ailments so far. This is imperative as an injury will only keep you on the sidelines. Continue to communicate with us anything that may be going on. Your health and safety is our number one priority! Lets keep this going Rail Trailer’s!!
C2B – 5 (need to work on pushing away from the bar at the top)
Wall Squats – 5
El Diablo – 7:45
165# power cleans + dead lifts
53# KB
Great work Chris, Phil and Matt M. Thanks for the coaching PJ and Mike!
1 rep max push press – 185#
El diablo – 8:11
185# power cleans & DL
70# KB
I can see some serious progress in my near future working out with this 5am group and our outstanding coaching. I haven’t felt this motivated in a long time. Great work today, let’s keep it going.
Great work, dude. Now we both need to work on catching Melcher on the rail trail…
Next time we will double Melcher’s run distance 😉
And I’ll work on my strength. With the weights you guys throw around, I need all the help I can get on the run.
PU red band
El Diablo – 6:54
Awesome morning!
First 6am workout ever! Feeling great! Great motivation from mike and pj thanks guys
Pp- 215
El diablo 9 min +/- 135
Feels great getting back at it at 5a.m. Awesome group to WOD with.
Push Press 155#
El Diablo – 7:18 145# clean & DL, 53# KB
115# Push Press
8:38 “El Diablo” (125# PC/DL, 53# KB)
Thanks, Mike! Great work, Marie and Emily! 🙂
It was great working out with you and Marie today! You guys were very motivating and helpful. Thanks for being patient while I figured all my stuff out 🙂
Took about 4 or 5 attempts to get this, I kept jerking by accident. Pretty happy with this considering this was my 1RM for my push jerk a couple months ago
100m run, 115# clean/DL, 35#KB
Awesome 9am class, great work Michelle and Emily!
Another awesome class this morning! Definitely enjoying the program so far. Lots of work to do on my mobility and OLY. Thanks everyone for the much needed motivation at the end of the WOD today! Tomorrow will be a much needed “off” day for me ( doing the elements class )
100# push press. Went for 105# but redipped so decided to stop there. Didn’t WOD since my comp is coming up on Saturday.
Great work everyone! Way to get after it.
PP 90#
WOD 10:40 (10 cleans 75#, 30 deadlifts, 35#KB) I wrote :04 on the board…sorry.. Got confused.
Thanks Mike for all your help! I enjoyed WODding with Marie and Michelle today!
Great job today!
Every single day I wake up excited to go to crossfit, work my butt off, and spend time with all of you wonderful people!
80# push press
WOD 7:27 (Deadlifted instead of cleans 55# and 20# KB)
Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Man, nothing better getting up early and spending the day with such fantastic people! You guys do everything right. Your motivated, clean up after yourselves and most importantly support one another. So pumped to be part of this community!
Sorry to have missed posting last night…
Finished 7:25
PP: 7#5
DL & PC : #55
KB: #15
Thanks for the push Mike and Sara!!!!