Thursday 9/25/14

Happy Birthday Krystal! F 9/24
Happy Birthday Krystal F !! 9/24

Warm Up and Mobility

Pendlay Row
2 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift
6 x 1
1- 3 Rope Climbs
10 – 15 Hollow Rocks +  max superman hold
“Moon Tower”
With a 12 Minute Running Clock Complete:
Minutes 0:00 – 4:00 AMRAP of
4 x Snatches 135/95
3 x Muscle Ups
Minutes 4:00-8:00 AMRAP of
8 x Cleans
6 x Pull Ups
Minutes 8:00-12:00 AMRAP of
12 x Box Jumps 24/20″
9 x Toes To Bar
Record score for all AMRAPs
Positive Thinking
Hey CFRT, I wanted to briefly talk about positive thinking. Not so much our mental game which we have touched on before but more of looking at everything in a positive way. When we step into the gym and look at a hard workout and think, “no way I can do that” , you have already set yourself up for failure. Even when you know a workout is going to be hard and a weight or movement may seem impossible, you must approach it with the attitude of ” I can and I will do this”! When we address that bar or await the 3-2-1 countdown, we must say to ourselves ” I got this!” That positive thinking will set your mind and body up for success. Even if we don’t do as well as expected or lift that PR weight, we approached that situation with positive mental attitude and achieved way more mentally and physically then we would have with a negative attitude. Use this approach in your every day life as well. When a situation arises that seems too big or overwhelming, attack it with the positivity. Look at the things we can control and chip away at it, one after another. Before you know it, its done, just like a long Metcon! Do not let things you can’t control affect you. That’s a waste of your time, energy and mental health. Instead focus on the good things you have and the things you can control. You will be a happier and more productive person for it. So next time you get ready to attack that WOD or tackle an obstacle or task in your life say ” I can and I will do this!”

11 thoughts on “Thursday 9/25/14”

  1. Pendlay Row – 65, 85

    Snatch Grip DL – worked up to 225

    Moon Tower:

    Sq Snatch (95) & C2B – 3 + 1
    Sq Clean (95) & Pullups – 2
    Box Js (24) and T2B – 2 + 7

    Great work 5 am. Thanks for the coaching Sarah and PJ.
    Enjoy the day.

  2. Very well said about positive thinking. It really is the foundation to overall happiness.

    Snatch grip DL
    worked up to 235#

    Moon tower:
    All RX.

    Great job 5am and thank you pj and Sarah!

  3. I tend to joke around about my CrossFit “inabilities”, but it’s something I have to work on not doing. Fact of the matter is that even though I’m not going to the games any time soon, I have yet to meet a WOD I truly can’t do. I’ve definitely met some I don’t WANT to do but even letting that “I don’t want to” get into my head is detrimental. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  4. SGDL worked up to 135

    Moon tower:
    3 65# and MU progression
    2 65# and jumping PU

    the squats on each snatch and clean smoked my legs. in a good way of course 🙂

  5. THAT WAS AN AWESOME 4:30 CLASS!!! Worked on the snatch grip deadlift which was awesome working with Mike on form and really focusing on each step. Also utilizing the plates under the bar helped with not being able to squat! Moved some heavy weight once I got into it, got up to 225#.

    Moon Tower:

    First Round: 3+ – did 95# snatches & jumping pull-ups & ring dips
    Second Round: 3+ – did 95# cleans (which were super light!) and jumping pull-ups
    Final Round: got 4+ – did 20″ box step ups and knees up.

  6. Moon Tower

    Today I had a visit with the 9:30 class. I seem to be a nomad when it comes to class times. A great way to meet new people!

    Snatch 75# – Ring MU 1+5
    Squat Cleans 75# – Pull ups 3
    Box Jumps – T2B 2+17

    I was super pumped I was finally able to go Muscle Ups in a WOD. It took away from the amount of rounds I did but it was well worth it. Thanks for all the help and tips Burnes Squared!!!

  7. Triple AMRAP didn’t stand a chance against you guys today! Saw some great form and gutsy performances! Way to get after it, see everyone at the white board!

people working out in a group fitness class

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