Warm Up and Mobility
“Cranberry Juice” For Time: 50 x KB Swings 53/35 40 x Box Jumps 24″/20″ 30 x Pull Ups 20 x Burpees 10 x KB Snatches 20 x Burpees 30 x Pull Ups 40 x Box Jumps 50 x KB Swings (Coaches will have alternate rep schemes and scales.If your overhead is fried from the push press do Russian Swings at heavier weight) 9-11 Everyone take time out of your day today and remember the victims of 9-11 and the lives that will be forever altered . CFRT has some members that were there that day and our thoughts are with you and all others who were greatly affected by this tragedy. We also want to remember those still serving and fighting overseas because of this day. Take a moment to reflect on the events that transpired or have a moment of silence in honor of those lost. May we NEVER FORGET. RIP Reminders Hey CFRT, quick reminders. First, this Sunday we won’t have regular AM classes as we are going to the Walker building in Marlboro for 3,013 Burpees in Remembrance of 9-11. Going to be a good time and we encourage everyone to attend with our CFRT shirts proudly displayed ! 😉 Also, Saturday Sept 20 is CFRT’s first Strongman Class @ 1:00 PM. Hope everyone interested can attend. See you guys at the white board!
Oh boy Marie! I think this is the one Sarah was “testing” during our class today. She looked pretty roughed up after too… 😉
Oh yeah Rita, Its a ‘good’ one!
Cranberry Juice: 23:01 Rx
Great 5 am crew and the entire Coaching Triumvirate on the floor for the WOD.
Can’t feel my forearms. Way to work, everyone!
Enjoy the day.
Gaff, that is a SAT word…Big SAT word. And it was entered WAY too early in the morning for me to digest.
Cranberry Juice: 20:03 35#KB and Ring Rows
Great class! Great energy! Way to work 5 am crew. Way to push us through this one, coaches. Great WOD
used to teach world history – 1st Triumvirate: Pompei, Crassus and Julius Caesar… 2nd Triumvirate: Octavian(later know as Augustus), Lepidus and Mark Antony
knowledge has been dropped, your “Jeopardy” score will now go up.
Great job today 5am!!!
Cranberry juice 19:11 with 15lb, ring rows and same reps.
Thanks for motivating us Mike, Sarah, & PJ!!!!
“Cranberry juice”
16:46 RX
Sarah we’ll call this one even, you did extra work!
Glad I got out of bed for this one today. Another big 5am class, I love it. Great work everyone. Thanks for the coaching pj, mike and Sarah. It’s great having the 3 of you there.
Gaff I think my hair cut is what made the difference on this one.. I get it cut for speed not comfort! 😉
Dude, you crushed it, boys regular with a lollipop and all. Great work.
Love it boys
I’ll take that 😉
Cranberry juice: 17:51 rx
Nothing like a good chippa to start the day. I felt fantastic this morning driving into the office. Similar to the old runners high. Awesome work everyone. Good to see Chris is taking heat for getting his mop busted. Gaff was giving me heat last week.
Love how you’ve been posting in a Boston accent all week too…
It has carried over to the home. Driving my wife nuts.
Cranberry juice:
21:02 jumping pull-ups rx everything else
Glad I jumped in the 5am this morning! Time will tell if I can stick with that time…
Thinking 5 AM would have been better than 7 PM tonight. I would have been blissfully ignorant. 🙂 BRING IT ON!
22:58 (20#, 20″ with training wheels (plates), Ring Rows)
Great workout!
Cranberry juice:
18:46 red band PU, 35# russian swings, 26# snatch
I had Sarah aaaalll to myself at 9:30!! woot!
Cranberry Juice- 17:24 (62# w/ Russia’s)
Decided to give my shoulders a little break and went with the heavier bell and did russian swings. Definitely glad I did that. My goal for this was to keep moving, while taking small breaks to break up the rep scheme. Great work from everyone at the 6pm class. Good to see some new people that just graduated the elements class!
Cranberry Juice
23:26, with 26lbs, ring rows.
Phew, that one kept taking my breath away! Thanks coaches Sarah and PJ, and to Phil for supporting me through that!
Still wiping the rust off from vacation
This was miserable…
21:55 (35lb kettle and band assisted pull ups)