Warm Up and Mobility
Partner WOD “Fire and Ice” 2 Rounds for Time (One person works at a time) 10 x Snatches 135/95 20 x Cleans 30 x Back Squats 40 x Deadlifts 50 x Walking Lunges 800m Run (Run can be broken up anyway you want in 100m increments. One person runs at a time) Intro WOD and Scales will be posted on Board Mobility You have heard us Coach’s preach mobility countless time here at CFRT, especially Sarah 😉 . Who has been doing home mobility, or come early to get after the little extra before class.??Would like to hear what you guys have been doing on your own and how it affects your workouts and everyday life. If you haven’t been doing some, lets get on it, the benefits are incredible!! We can start posting little challenges and ‘homework” if you guys are interested. Lets hear from ya Rail Trail!!
Crystal and I use a foam roller every night before bed. We also have lacrosse balls that we use to work out those knots. I also try to get a massage every couple of months which I highly recommend!
Great stuff Phil!
We’ve been coming in early and it has definitely helped my mobility which I’ve seen in almost every area especially my legs!!!
You are very diligent about coming in early Mike and mobilizing, glad its paying off!
I’m laughing as I read this because I’m rolling out on my floor watching ‘Frozen’ with my kids. I try and stretch as much as possible while at home. It’s helped with flexibility and recovery.
Fire and Ice
Thanks for partnering up with me Fernando
Great work everyone!
Felt sleepy and gross walking into the gym this morning but left energized and happy…love that!
Partnered with Dave S and finished in 16:16? Something like that.
I mobilize everyday. Foam roll and lax ball on any area feeling extra tight. Always before workouts, sometimes at home at night.
That last part rhymed.
Haha whoopsies
I love that feeling Kirsty. Wodding seems to flip that happy switch!
I foam roll at home (sometimes). I go through phases where I’m really good at it and other times not so much. I could go for mobilizing homework or something to hold me accountable.
Fire and Ice–26:something
Did this with my good pal Kristy. She ran extra at the end and I did some extra reps the second round. We made a good team 🙂 I liked this one today. Thanks PJ, Mike & Sarah! (PS PJ if you read this–those weren’t my shoes.)
I’ve been going in early and staying late to mobilize. I do lots of lacrosse ball work on my shoulders, neck and pecs since I tend toward muscle spasms in these areas. When I am consistent with this I feel great and any tweaks that do develop work their way through quickly. I’ve also been working on ankle mobility and can now sit in a squat without falling over.. which makes me quite happy. 😀
I worked with Scott this morning and we finished in 18:45. That was fun! I love partner wods!