Monday 9/29/14

CFRT Rowling Beauties
CFRT Rowling Beauties

Warm Up and Mobility

“Wishing Well”
For time:
4 x Clean and Jerks 155/105
25 x Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes
6 x Clean and Jerks 135/85
25 x Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
8 x Clean and Jerks 115/65
25 x Double Unders
Post scores for all three segments
First off, we must recognize Matt Gaffny aka Gaff for not only figuring out two movies early on. But he proceeded to write down and guess correctly the rest of the names chosen for the week. Time to buy a lottery ticket Gaff, you are gifted!!
Our next movie night is Saturday, October 11 @7pm. Time to vote for what everyone would like to see.  Here are your choices- My cousin Vinny; The Departed or The Hunger Games (the first in the trilogy)  Lets hear from you CFRT! We will put a poll up on the white board as well.

17 thoughts on “Monday 9/29/14”

  1. “Wishing Well”
    3:50 75#
    11:03 –>5:13 65#
    18:36 –>6:33 55#

    This was an oofta workout for me.

    Oofta (adjective):
    An expression of Norwegian origin as a term for sensory overload. Oofta can often be used as an alternative for many common obscenities.

  2. Wishing Well

    Round 1: (#115/50 singles) – 4:44
    2 minute break
    Round 2: (#95/50 singles) – ended at 12:42 (took 5:58 secs)
    1 minute break
    Round 3: (#75/50 singles) – ended at 20:05 (took 6:23 secs)

    Struggled with the squat clean portion, jerk was fine.
    Great warmup & preWOD mobility PJ and Mike.

    Great work 5am. Enjoy the day.

    1. I’m coming to join the 5 a.m crew tomorrow. I know you guys missed me but I switched it up and joined the 6pm-ers

  3. Awesome 5am class. I thought I had you on this one today Dave, way to crush it!

    Wishing well
    1)0 – 3:16
    2)5:16 – 10:22
    3)11:22 – 17:28

    These weights felt really good. Great wod. Thanks mike and pj.

  4. Wishing Well:
    1.) 3:46

    Doing the lumberjack 20 yesterday did not do me any favors this morning. Great WOD though, it was definitely a mental test. Great work 5am.

  5. Wishing Well
    1-3:54 (75#)
    2-12:10 (65#)
    3-20:02 (55#)
    All with singles
    Coming in this morning not realizing they were full squat cleans really changed up my game plan for the WOD. But I have to say I felt more comfortable doing them today than I have in the past!

  6. Wishing Well:
    1.) 5:12 65#
    2.) Don’t remember 55#
    3.) 19:55 45#
    Triple singles. Struggled a bit with my squat clean form. Not consistent. Great 9:30 class! Thanks Mike! Rest day tomorrow!

  7. Great to get back at it with the 5am crew after a week off. Great job everyone!

    “Wishing well”
    17:27 Final time

  8. 20:40 final time for Wishing Well. I used 75#, 65, 55. I did some good cleans but had to switch to power cleans bc my back tighter up again. I didn’t get to mobilize before like I had wanted. I’m still happy with the first round. This one was a tough-y but a good Monday workout. Thanks for the help and coaching, Mike!

  9. We had a HUGE 6pm class which was AWESOME! This WOD was a killer for me. I went into this WOD with certain goals and I am pretty happy with the outcome. I’ve been trying to work on my Cleans and get the form down and things are finally starting to click and feel good. I started the WOD with 155# then 125# and finally 95#. I got capped at the end with 5 C&J and 25 DU’s left. Overall i felt my form was good which is what I was really looking for. Thanks for all the help Mike, Sarah, and PJ!

    Oh and by the was, I KNOW THE MOVIE!!!!!!

  10. For time:
    4 x Clean and Jerks #105
    50 x Single Unders
    Time- 4:36
    Rest 2 Minutes

    6 x Clean and Jerks #95
    50 x Single Unders
    Rest 1 Minute
    Time- 11:18

    8 x Clean and Jerks #75
    50 x Single Unders
    Time- 19:16

  11. Awesome day, every class dug in and gave what they had. Big Metcon done! Way to get after it everyone! See everyone at the white board!

  12. Wishing Well

    What a great WOD, fun and the 6pm crew was so supportive! Awesome!!

    I broke each round down by time;
    3RFT : 4 clean and jerks @ 65# and double singles- 5:00 flat
    3RFT: 6 clean and jerks @ 55# and double singles-6:25
    3RFT: 8 clean and jerks @ 35# and double singles- 5:50

    My intent was to do 45# for the last round, but I forgot in the midst of it all… lol, oops.

    One of my favorite movies, like last week’s choice! Yay! (Good job Phil on getting it!)

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