Warm Up and Mobility
“Let ‘Er Rip, Hang Ten” 3 Rounds of 1 Minute each station (Fight Gone Bad Format) Med Ball Clean 20/14 Push Press 75/55 Box Jumps 20″ Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 Burpees Rest 1 Minute Score is total reps CFRT Warriors Our CFRT crew killed it at the Tough Mudder and The Reebok Nor’Easter Team Comp this weekend. You guys embody what CrossFit and CFRT is all about. We could not be more proud. Way to compete honorably and show everyone what we are all about!!
One of the greatest movies evah! Killing me not to add to this quote.
What I have to say about this mornings WOD is… It kicked my behind! Awesome job 5 am-ers and thanks Mike and Sarah for pushing us to the max. #feelingpumped
Oh and forgot to put my score, it was a 202. Will def beat that next time!
Let Er Rip, Hang Ten : 275 Rx
Great work 5 am. Awesome coaching, motivation Team Burnes. There was a point during my last round of burpees where I thought, ” if I stop, Mike will punch me in the face.”
Enjoy the day.
As always, Awesome 5am and outstanding coaching/motivation. It’s good to have my body back at 100%.
Let it rip, hang ten.
278 Rx
Also no idea what the movie is.
Love reading the posts this am. I, like Monsini, wouldn’t have a clue what the movie is if I wasn’t already in on it! Great effort by everyone this am! This was a tough one. Gaff, you may be right, haha, he was so pumped up I couldn’t get a word in during the entire last minute! Im out of the box for the day watching my nephews..tough to be away all day but I’ll be back in tonight for the evening folks. Have a great day everyone!
Let er rip hang ten: 345 rx
Good to be back at the box. Awesome work this morning 5am.
First off once again i have no idea what the movie is.
Let er Rip, Hang Ten 266 RX, I attended the 9:30 class today with Michelle and Matt Lowe, Great job peeps! Definitely got my a$$ handed to me but Loved every minute of it!
After I got hustled by Mike in a game of HORSE. Don’t believe him when he tells you he can’t play
I was rewarded in the end with a couple ring muscle ups. Been a long time since Ive even attempted them. Felt great to get up there again. Thanks Coach Mike for all the help! looking forward to finally getting them linked together
Fun wod killed my competition in the 6am class. Finished with 222rx conditioning moving up at a good pace. Great motivation from mike andvsarah
“Let er Rip”
228 RX
This was awesome and to think just two days after Tough Mudder!
Great work out… Thanks for the push class… I needed it in this heat!!!! 178 with 120/ box jumps & step ups.
“Let er Rip”
178/120/ box jumps & step ups
Thanks for the push class… I needed it! Baaaarrrfff!
You totally did it, Amy! Great job!
‘Let ‘er Rip’ 165 reps 12#, 45#, 20″ box (my back tightened up again so broke a lot of them up). This was my first 4:30 class AND my first class after sitting at my desk longer than I ever have. I hope to change my stretching and mobilizing habits now that school is starting. Thanks for a great time today, everyone!
LET ‘ER RIP, AKA FIGHT GONE BAD’S EVIL SISTER! GOT 234 REPS RX’d it, utilized box step ups instead of box jumps. Knees feeling good today, awesome job by all the 430 peeps!
Great energy today Rail Trailer’s. You guys dug deep on a very mentally and physically challenging WOD. You guys no doubt got fitter today and gained some mental toughness. Way to go everyone!!
Let ‘er rip, hang ten 184 (ish) kind of lost count on the middle round.
Came in tonight not feeling well. Felt off all day and really didn’t feel much better during or after. Pretty pleased with my reps despite feeling crappy.
14# med ball, 55# push press & sdhp, used 2x 45# plates and a 25 instead of a box. Working back up to box jumps. After a pretty nasty fall back in November, ended up with staph and my leg took 8 months to heal. Still really nervous to get back on the box but I’m working on it.
Let ‘er rip, hang ten
With 35#bar, 12#medicine ball, 20in box
Fight gone bad style kicked my butt, especially with those burpees tonight!
Thanks for the coaching PJ and Mike!
See ya tomorrow eve!