Warm Up and Mobility
OLY Warm Up/Skill (Sn pull+H+Sn) x 3 (1+1+1) x 3 Snatch 3 x 2 Strength Front Rack Lunges ( or KB lunges) 2 x 10 Front Squat 3 x5 (Climbing) “See you in Hell” AMRAP 14 5 x Pull Ups 10 x Push Ups 15 x Air Squats (shorter version of CrossFit benchmark “Cindy”) Mobility CrossFits 10 General Physical skills are Cardiovascular respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, balance, agility and accuracy. It is important to train all 10 however, there is only one on this list that has the ability to affect all 9 others. Flexibility. Or more importantly Mobility. Recently our programing has us finding our 1 rep max lifts. Some of you may be thinking that it is a lack of strength that is preventing you from some higher numbers but have you thought maybe its a lack of mobility? More often than not our lack of speed under the bar due to poor range of motion is what is actually keeping you from making that lift. Increasing the ROM in our tight shoulders, hips, wrists or ankles is not something that will happen over night. Daily mobilization is what will lead us to a greater ROM and ultimately better form and bigger numbers. In the past few years I have had many athletes ask me what they can do to get a better squat, a better front rack position or depth in the OHS. 9 times out of 10 my answer is mobility. There is no magic cure. You just need to put in the work. Something that I know you Rail Trailers have no problem doing! So come in a little early or stay a little late, grab a lax ball, band, or just pop a squat and start mobilizing! ~ Sarah B
Oly Snatch work
Really tried to dial in my form
75 & 95 – did a few at 115
See You In Hell – 11 + 3
Another huge 5:00 class! Great coaching PJ and Mike!
Great work everyone, enjoy the day.
Huge 5 am group today. Great job everyone.
Front squats
Unfortunately I still have t-Rex arms from last week so Mike altered today’s wod for me. I completed 7 rounds of
10 sit ups
15 air squats
200 meter run.
Thanks for the great coaching mike ,pj, and Sarah.
Oly….worked on snatch technique up to 65#, thanks for videoing PJ, lots to work on!
See You In Hell – 9 + 8 with knees, 1 ab mat and red band for pull ups.
We all have things to work on with the snatch Kirsti. Got to focus on one thing at a time. Get good or fix that, then move on to the next!
Oly: 145,170#
See you in Hell: 13rds +10
Crazy how big the morning classes are. Pretty cool having such a big group. Great work this morning everyone. Thank Mike for the help on the snatches.
Excited to see how much weight you can move with dialed in form Stewie!
Chris, I’m glad you did not do Pull Ups! 😉
Happy wife, Happy life Chris!
I couldn’t have even if I wanted to!
Gaff – words to live by!
Took it easy today…20 minute warm up + “See you in Hell” 7 rounds.
worked on snatch with the pink bar, did a couple at #45
WOD: See you in hell = 8 rounds + 5 (ring rows, 2 abmats for my chest…then i added one for my knees. I’m high maintenance). I had fun today! Thanks Sarah and Kristy 🙂
Spent some time working on my snatch form, utilizing light weight! Got some great tips from Sarah, just need to tweek the movements!
See you in hell”
6 rounds + 15 worked with blue band pull-ups, RX pushups, and ab mat sit-ups instead of squats. Really getting antsy and itching to squat more, just need the knees to get to 100%!
First real WOD since March.
3×5 Front Squats, 135, 185, 225
See you in Hell, 8 rounds RX
Feels good to be back at it.
Welcome back Mike!!
Strength first.. went light
See you in Hell 11 Rounds + Pull ups and Push ups
Ohh yea in my Gas Mask…
Worked on my snatch tonight (haha)
Stuck with 65#. Really need to get more comfortable with squat snatching, cant keep just doing doing power. Thanks for videotaping PJ!
See you in Hell- 6+3 RX
Super pumped with this because last time I did Cindy I got 7+10, so I know I’ll get more next time! Great class tonight PJ, welcome back Mondello!
See you in hell!
Did Strength today-
Did front squat at 115#. So did my girl Sam!
WOD: 11 + 15 . with ring rows
Marie – Good job on beating your last numbers for Cindy!!
For strength today, Judy and I front squatted and PR’d at 155#! For See you in hell, 9 rounds 15 reps with ring rows.
Woops! Meant 115! Haha
next time we will do 155lbs!! 😉
You ladies will hit 155# in no time!
Strength/FS with 85 lbs, then completed 12 rounds + 5 ring rows. Ouch!! Triceps have finally recovered, though.
See you in hell….
10X – rings – 2 sets full pushups – 8 with mat –
opted for strength – need to finish last few elements classes before i venture into some of the snazzier olympic lifting
Thanks for Sarah for the foam roller / lacross ball 101 review on Sunday. Run #1 and Run #2 felt great afterwards.
First off I am a loser for continuously forgetting to post here. STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!
Worked OLY but stayed light. Stayed around 55-60#. Need to work on staying in my heels and getting under the bar faster.
See you in hell…8 rounds +11 with ring pulls and knee push ups.
Great work everyone! Way to keep moving. That one was a grinder!
This was my first weekday class since finishing Elements, loved the 6pm group! =)
See you in hell..9 rounds + 18 with ring pulls and knee push ups.
Just want to say that I truly love coming here and PJ, Sarah & Mike you guys are such awesome coaches! Thank you!!
We love having you!!
Great 5am class! Started with OLY, 65,85,95#. Working on form and popping off the hip. See You in Hell: 12 + 26 RX. The push ups will definitely get to you after a while