Kelly G killing it at The Strongman Comp
Warm Up & Mobility
Gymnastics/Skill OTM 6 3-5 Muscle Ups/ Transitions (even) 3-8 Triple Unders or 15-25 Double Unders / attempts/ Power Jump Singles (odd) (If you did “Man Cave” yesterday, do 5-10 wall squats on odd minute instead) or Oly Snatch Skill/Warm Up (Spull+HH+H) (1+1+1)x 3 OTM 5 Snatch PS+H+Snatch (focus on proper positioning and speed under the bar) “The Pistol” For Time 30 Cleans 185/115 Rest 2 minutes 10-8-6 Deadlifts 185/115 Hand Stand Push Ups Strength Maxes Ok, so our first week of strength is in the books. Hopefully most of you got the majority of your maxes in. You should have your 1RM of back squat, front squat, push press and deadlift. This week we will also have a chance for either strict or bench press as well. Don’t worry if you didn’t get your numbers on one of these lifts. When we get back to any version of those lifts, let your Coach know and they will advise on how to go about finding your 1RM. This can always get done at Open Gym. as well. That being said, if you do have your numbers its time to make sure we also hit the additional pre WOD work. Some of you may be individually tweaked by me, but unless stated, stick with alternating method of system. Everyone has been doing the right things so far, don’t be tempted to stray.Big things to come from you guys, trust the programming and you will be the best well rounded athlete you can be. Here we go CFRT!!!
Aww man, I missed the Deadlift!
Don’t worry Marie, you’ll see your friend the Deadlift often!
Snatch work 75#
The Pistol – 11:32
(95) cleans and DLs
GREAT WORK 5 am, great coaching PJ!
Great 5a.m. Class as always.
Snatch work. 105#
The pistol
115# cleans and DL.
RX hspu
Good weight for the cleans but much too light for the DL.
Snatch: 135#
The Pistol: 11:32 RX
Got through the cleans at 3:34 but i think it was a little on the heavy side b/c i had nothing in the tank for the hspu’s. Great work this morning fellas. Awesome coaching as always PJ.
Snatch work: 15#. I hope to one day land them without falling over!
Pistol: 12:37. 65#, kip hspu for 16, 8 floor mod.
Sorry PJ I forgot to put my abmat away. Thanks for a great start to my day! Great to see Laurie and Kirsty!
Snatch practice: 55lb
Pistol: 12:08 with 100lb, modified HSPU from the floor
Nice job women of 6am 🙂
Snatch – 75#
The Pistol – 9:06
95# squat cleans and 185# deadlift, box HSPU
Not the best idea to do the Squats prior to the Pistol. Forgot what nausea felt like after a workout….until today! Great work 5:00am class! THanks for the coaching PJ.
Sounds like you guys had fun, I miss the morning crew already! But I’ll see you guys tomorrow!
Snatch work: 65#
Pistol – 11:50 (95# cleans/DL, rx HSPU)
Great job everyone busting through those squat cleans… brutal!
It’s great working on Oly technique. Thanks for the coaching PJ!
Great job 5 and 6am. Loved to see you guys work technique on the snatch. Remember this is one of the, if not the most difficult olympic lifts. Be patient, work technique and you will be amazed how much weight you can snatch. Also remember, just like double unders, you can always work this technique before, after class and even at home (PVCs are inexpensive and can be purchased at Lowes and Home Depot). Enjoy the rest of the day!!
Snatch work-65#
Pistol- 8:26 (95# clean/DL, box HSPU)
Thanks for the tips on the snatch work Mike!
Taking a much needed rest day tomorrow 🙂
Worked on my Muscle Ups and Double unders!!!
“The Pistol”
Used 135# for the cleans made it through 30 in 2:42
Finished up the WOD in 8:58, went RX on the deadlifts (YEAH BUDDY) and went off the box for the HSPU! Awesome tips and coaching Mike; great work 4:30 class with Krystal & Sam!!!!
Great technique work had by all, you guys are patient and respecting the process. Only up and up from here. Don’t lose this mentality Rail Tailer’s!
Worked on muscle up and single power jumps working my way to double unders! For “the pistol” I did 60 med ball cleans with 14#, dead lifted 85# and scaled the HSPU off the box! Finished in 10:28. Awesome coaching Mike you keep us fighting and motivated!
Few days later I was able to try this one out!
9:15 – 15 cleans at 115#, 15 @ 105# and DL and HSPU Rx
Thanks, Mike and Sarah!
Cleans with medicine ball to work on form; deadlift 85#, and modified HSPU.
Time 7:45
Thanks Coach Mike for helping me work on my clean and snatch form and also for the new HSPU mod, will definitely take me a while to get those!