Warm Up and Mobility
Gymnastics/Skill OTM 5 5-10 Plyo Push Ups + 5-10 Jump Squats Oly Snatch Drops 3 x 1 Snatch Balance 3 x 1 OHS 3 x 1 Alright, Alright, Alright 60-40-20 Abmat Sit ups Double Unders 10 Deadlifts after each round (275/185) Septembers Nutrition “challenge” We are coming to the end of the month and its time to check in on your clean eating for the month. We challenged you all to try and cut out at least one unhealthy thing from your diet. How have we all done? A few of you posted about what you would be cutting out so lets hear how it went…good or bad….let us know how we can help you stay on track in the future. This was a “do it yourself” style challenge however, we have a few more regimented ones coming up!!
245 – failed first attempt but got it on the second one.
Nice small 5am group this morning, great job ladies!!
Thanks pj, mike and Sarah.
moving some weight there on the OHS Chris!
245 OHS!!! Nice!!!
Great job stabilizing that weight today brother, getting beast like!!
HOLY CRAP MAN!! Nice job!
Thanks gents. Felt good to hit this weight. Let’s all keep up the good work!!
Awesome 9:30 class! Did Gymnastics this morning. I can remember when I started and doing a pushup on my knees with an ab mat felt impossible. This week I started doing pushups from my toes with two ab mats! Really pumped this week that all the hard work is paying off.
8:30 singlesx2 and 135#
Everytime I see ab mat situps in a workout my eyes light up like a child on Christmas haha. Thanks mike and Sarah for all the great coaching and motivation this morning.
Your getting them!
A smaller than normal 6pm class but we kicked the WODs A$$$!!
OLY – Snatch drops and Snatch Balance felt a lot better today
Made it up to 135# on my OHS which is a PR. I could have done more but ran out of time. Over head is getting much more comfortable. Thanks for the help Mike and PJ
Getting better every time you step into the box brother!
Nice job on the PR!!!!
Alright, alright, alright
Oly- worked with bar for form
12:30 with triple singles and 85lbs
Can’t wait for my back to feel normal again, then I can start lifting more! Will take it slow though!
Gonna work on doing double unders, Mike!!
Worked on Gymnastics today, feeling really good on the plyo pushups!!!
11:11 with single/double unders and RX’d everything else!! LOVE DEADLIFTS!!! Bring on the heavy weight!
Need to spend time on double unders but they’re definitely progressing!
Worked OLY. Getting more comfortable dropping under the bar on the snatch drop and balance. OHS worked up to 95# and definitely could have done more.
This has been a tough week. Didn’t feel well early in the week, stressed at work, haven’t eaten right all week or hydrated enough. Tough week that reflected in the wod tonight.
Didn’t finish. Did triple singles and 175#. Definitely felt a little crappy on my form. Had an off night. Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day and a new wod.
Hang in there. We all have bad WODs/weeks. You came and tried, that’s all that matters.
We all have those days and weeks Kelly. Love the attitude, tomorrow is a new day, enhance the positive!! 😉
Thanks guys!
Worked on the snatch stuff. OHS-70 (I wrote 75 on the board but now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure it was 70#).
Alright, alright, alright–13:00
135# DL, abmats regular, did 20 ring rows instead of jump ropes tonight. boo, But Sarah helped me a lot with my dead lifts. I always really appreciate that you guys can point out what I’m doing wrong form-wise and show me how to correct it. It really helps to see the difference and it makes it click, so thanks 🙂